Rainbow Connection: Life on the Road. Rainbow Wahine in Europe (Episode 2)
Here's my blog for Monday
The time change is killer! Everyone is exhausted and is filled with joy when we hear the words "you get an hour to rest before our next outing" from a coach or Cory our Tour Guide. This morning we had practice after our breakfast at the hotel, which is quite elaborate and delicious! My personal breakfast consists of canned peaches, a croissant with Nutella, a hard boiled egg, and a few pieces of hot dog slices. As expected the croissants are exquisite! Practice was a bit more hard for everyone as the real "Jet-Lag" started to kick in. But we all pulled through and had a very successful competitive practice!
After practice we walked back to our hotel, showered, and got dressed to go tour Lake Como. None of us really knew what to expect.... But when we finally reached the top of the mountain that over looked the lake we all let out numerous "ooooh"'s and "ahhhh"'s. It was like nothing some of us had seen before. The drive down into town was windey and made me nauseous (bc Im extremely prone to motion sickness). Once we got to the center of town we got off the bus and were set free!!!! I went wondering with Emily and Kalei Greeley. We traveled through many cobblestone streets and eventually sat at a little "hole-in-the-wall" cafe and had a nice lunch of Pizza and Panini's. After our meal we decided to try and get up to the tip top of the mountain. A task we underestimated as just the walk to the bottom of the funicular station was about 30 minutes from our little cafe.
Once we payed our 5.50 euro for our ticket to the top of the funicular station we boarded and were beyond excited. The ride up was unbelievable. As our altitude got higher and higher the view got more magnificent. We started to see more and more of the city and land beyond as we went up. Once at the top the air was cool, crisp, and smelt of beautiful pine trees with a hint of cooking pizza dough (as there were a few cafes at the top of the funicular). We walked the again cobblestone streets, through houses and cafes to an area where we could look out over the city and Lake Como. We finally found a break in houses and trees and again were amazed. The overlook was like no other sight I have seen on my trip so far.
We met the rest of the team, coaches, Cory and his wife Alexandrea, and the boosters by the bus. We then headed back to our hotel after a long and tiring day.
We were all tired and hungry so when we got back to our hotel we all went as a team to this little restaurant that was owned by the sweetest Chinese-Italian woman. A smile never left her face when she was serving us!! We had a normal Italian dinner. Bread, salad, pasta, and lemon chicken. The pasta was so delicious!! And the lemon chicken was very simple, but none the less perfectly cooked. Emily (who I was sitting next to) stole my lemon that was on my plate and used it to make her water lemony. Ha ha I gave her crap for it and we both laughed at the table and had a great time!!
After dinner we all went back to the hotel (which was at about 9:45 pm) and showered and went to bed!! We had a big day ahead of us, and we all knew it....
Ciao Hawaii!